About West Sacramento Soccer Club


West Sacramento Soccer Club is a registered non-profit, community-based youth soccer organization. The club was founded in 1973 as a 4-H community program and developed into East Yolo Soccer Club until the name change in the mid-1990s to West Sacramento Soccer Club.



West Sacramento Soccer Club is dedicated to the development and preparation of players technically, tactically, physically, and psycho-socially to achieve their highest potential and compete at the highest possible playing level. Equally, if not more importantly, we are committed to developing and enhancing skills such as communication, teamwork, time management, responsibility, discipline, hard work, and respect for themselves, the opposing players, officials, operational staff, and the game as a whole. While maintaining this level of dedication to our players, we, as a club, also strive to offer low-cost playing opportunities and embrace the diversity of our club and community.



Accountability - Being responsible for our own actions, and individuals taking pride in their development.

Dedication - Players, coaches, and staff consistently working towards the common goal for the betterment of the player and club.

Integrity - Operating with a high moral standards, and in trustworthy efforts to improve the club overall.

Passion - The relentless effort to improve our education of the game as players, coaches, and club.

Respect - Conduct ourselves in a manner in which all parties involved receive the utmost respect; players, coaches, officials, and community.